E-Learning Management system

                                                      E-Learning Management system

E-learning fulfils the thirst of knowledge and offers online content that can be delivered for the learner at anywhere, anytime and any age through a wide range of e-learning solution while compared with traditional learning system. It also provides the rapid access to specific knowledge and information.This system supports the cross browser and fully integrated with different databases. This system focused around the several features namely Content Management, Content Protection, Learning Management, Delivery Management, Evaluation management, Access Control, etc., and mainly focused on integrated platform needed for e-learning and managements.

The e-learning management system, as an evolving tool and innovation, is increasingly used to promote the quality, efficiency and flexibility of teaching and learning in higher education. However, the ways that course management systems can support and enhance the quality of teaching and learning needs further investigation.

What is a E-Learning Management System?

Online trainers or training organizations have a lot to manage for any training. They have to create & deliver the course, managing the enrollments, assessments and various required reports. These are the primary reasons that a E-Learning Management Systemis best suited for such trainers or organizations looking for such solutions.A E-Learning Management System(LMS) is a platform to facilitate the modern training requirement and make it easy and accessible. It also helps smoothen the process right from creating to delivering the course. E-Learning Management Systemis a robust tool to set up and manage the course modules, course materials, assessments, and evaluations.
Definitions of e-learning:-
e-learning is Internet-enabled learning. Components can include content delivery in multiple formats, management of the learning experience, and a networked community of learners, content developers and experts.E-learning provides faster learning at reduced costs, increased access to learning, and clear
accountability for all participants in the learning process. In today's fast-paced culture, organizations that implement e-learning provide their workforce with the ability to turn change into an advantage.

Literature survey on e-learning:-
The literature available on e-learning has been reviewed under the classification of theory of e-learning and practice of e-learning. The articles are reviewed for their contribution and their critical issues. Also,
some of the deficiencies are highlighted with the objective of developing a framework for success with e-learning

Advantages of E-learning  management system
  • Managing entire training for an organization through Online platform
  • eLearning Course Modules and content can be reused over the period of time
  • It is very easy to adapt to the eLearning  management system

    -> course preview

    ->Anyone can enroll for the course.

    ->Teacher can update the course and can add new course

    Tools and Technology:-

    Reactjs,nodejs,VS code

    Screenshot for our project:-


    ->For the future scope we can connected our project with the google firebase database or  can other database. 

    E-Learning Management System had a great journey in all these years of evolution of e-Learning. The most important feature has been capability of interacting with the third party integrators and other applications to achieve the organizational objective. An organization can decide the benefit that is expected from an LMS system.


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